Nur Afifah Bt Anuar

Seorang yang simple n sgt3 pramah.. :)

Friday, October 7, 2011

The Problems with Guys..

hai smua.. :)
tgh2 fifah bz dkt utem fifah jarang la blik uma.. n disbbkn mom ni rjin la anta email kt fifah haa..majukn my 2.hee.. mcm2 email la die anta..n mcm2 versi gak de yg nk wt fifah rndu kt yg sruh fifah blaja.. de yg sruh mngingatkn fifah jgn lupe pd Yang Esa.. n mcm2 lg la cra my mom nk ajar anknyer yg jaoh ni tnpa prlu mmbebel dlm fon..hihi my mom slalu anta yg jnis power point utk motivate fifah dr byk aspek la.. n fifah ske sgt cra ibu fifah 2..hee.. n bru2 ni kn..ibu fifah send email about guys.. hehe..die tau ank die yg sorg ni da de yg pnye kn.. tp act email 2 juz nk wt i glak je.. bnde btol pn x smua laki mcm 2 la.. certain je yg mcm itu juz utk ske2 je.. yela realiti yg brlaku dlm kbanyakkn relationship sbenanyer.. The Problems With Guys: If u TREAT him nicely, he says u r IN LOVE with him If u DON'T, he says u r PROUD If u DRESS nicely, he says u r trying to LURE him If u DON'T, he says u r from KAMPUNG If u ARGUE with him, he says u are STUBBORN I f u keep QUIET, he says u have no BRAINS If u r smarter than him, he'll lose FACE If he's smarter than u, he is GREAT If u don't LOVE him, he tries to POSSESS u If u LOVE him, he will try to LEAVE u. (very true huh?) If u don't MAKE LOVE with him, he says u DON'T love him If u DO!! he says u r CHEAP If u tell him your PROBLEM, he says u r TROUBLESOME If u DON'T, he says that u DON'T TRUST him If u SCOLD him, u r like a NANNY to him If he SCOLDS u, it is because he CARES for u If u BREAK your PROMISE, u CANNOT be TRUSTED If he BREAKS his, he is FORCED to do so If u SMOKE, u r BAD girl If he SMOKES, he is GENTLEMENT If u do WELL in your exams, he says it's LUCK If he does WELL, it's BRAIN If u HURT him, u r CRUEL If he HURTS u, u r too SENSITIVE!! & sooo hard to please!!! If u send this to guys, they will swear that it's not true..... but if u don't, they say u r selfish.... the MORAL of the story is....SEND THIS TO GUYS OUT THERE ANYWAY.. send it to girls also, gives them some laughter... :D *bukan smua laki mcm ni kn??? :) kte hnya prlu bykkn brbncang jika brlaku sbarang msalah. jgn sling tduh mnuduh tnpa sbarang usul priksa. komunikasi dlm prhbungan itu pnting. yg prempuan plak jgn mnghrapkn lelaki tau apa yg anda ske@x ske.. bgtau diaorg..sbb lelaki ni x pndi nk meneka.. so smua..slamat mnjalani hari2 anda di smping insan trsyg. :)